and δM are dropped.
Add the long-period periodic terms
axN = e cosω
I LL = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3813#(e cosω)#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3814##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3815##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3816#
ayNL = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3818#
I LT = I L + I LL
ayN = e sinω + ayNL.
Solve Kepler's equation for #math92#(E + ω) by defining
U = I LT - Ω
and using the iteration equation
(E + ω)i+1 = (E + ω)i + Δ(E + ω)i
Δ(E + ω)i = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3831#
(E + ω)1 = U.
The following equations are used to calculate preliminary quantities needed
for short-period periodics.
e cos E = axNcos(E + ω) + ayNsin(E + ω)
e sin E = axNsin(E + ω) - ayNcos(E + ω)
eL = (axN2 + ayN2)#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3840#
pL = a(1 - eL2)
r = a(1 - e cos E)
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3846# = ke#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3847#e sin E
r#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3849# = ke#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3850#
cos u = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3852##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3853#cos(E + ω) - axN + #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3854##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3855#
sin u = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3857##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3858#sin(E + ω) - ayN - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3859##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3860#
u = tan-1#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3862##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3863##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3864#
Δr = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3866#(1 - θ2)cos 2u
Δu = - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3868#(7θ2 -1)sin 2u
ΔΩ = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3870#sin 2u
Δi = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3872#sin iocos 2u
Δ#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3874# = - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3875#(1 - θ2)sin 2u
Δr#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3877# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3878##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3879#(1 - θ2)cos 2u - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3880#(1 - 3θ2)#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3881#
The short-period periodics are added to give the osculating quantities
rk = r#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3883#1 - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3884#k2#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3885#(3θ2 - 1)#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3886# + Δr
uk = u + Δu
Ωk = Ω + ΔΩ
ik = io + Δi
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3891# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3892# + Δ#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3893#
r#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3895# = r#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3896# + Δr#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3897#.
Then unit orientation vectors are calculated by
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3899# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3900#sin uk + #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3901#cos uk
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3903# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3904#cos uk - #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3905#sin uk
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3907# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3908##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3909##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3910#
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3912# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3913##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3914##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3915#.
Then position and velocity are given by
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3917# = rk#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3918#
#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3920# = #tex2html_wrap_indisplay3921##tex2html_wrap_indisplay3922# + (r#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3923#)k#tex2html_wrap_indisplay3924#.
A FORTRAN IV computer code listing of the subroutine SGP4 is given below.
These equations contain all currently anticipated changes to the SCC
operational program. These changes are scheduled for implementation in March,